Wednesday, 3 May 2023


 Postman is useful to test the behavior of different OData class from/to D365FO. In this post we will see the steps to setup Postman with D365FO.

Step 1: Register D365FO in Azure Platform. Please refer to previous post to view the steps for App registration.

 Application registration of D365FO with Azure 

Step 2: Launch Postman and create a new collection and give a name (say) Devbox.

Step 3: Click on the three dots and click on Add request of type POST and name the request as Authorization.

Step 4: Capture the TenantId from the Azure portal and POST command would be

Step 5: Select tab Body and click on form-data radio button.

Step 6: Provide below details in the Body tab

client_Id                          ClientID value from Azure portal after App registration.
resourceD365FO URL
client_secretClient secret value from Azure portal after App registration

Step 7: Click on Send button to receive the access token with status as 200.

This completes the Postman setup with D365FO.


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  Postman is useful to test the behavior of different OData class from/to D365FO. In this post we will see the steps to setup Postman with D...