Sunday 21 October 2018

Role based Security in AX

There is a new pattern introduced in the new version of Dynamics AX (AX6.0/2012), for the security of the forms/tables etc. which is called RBS.

In Microsoft Dynamics AX, role-based security is aligned with the structure of the business. Users are assigned to security roles based on their responsibilities in the organization and their participation in business processes. The administrator grants access to the duties that users in a role perform, not to the program elements that users must use.


Let’s take a looks at the data models of the Security framework

Contains list of roles
Contains the user to role mappings 
(System Administration à Users àUser)
Contains the list of duties and privileges
Contains the duty to privilege mappings
(AOTàSecurityà Dutiesà Privileges)
contains the list of role to duty mappings
(AOTàSecurityà RolesàDuties)

Some Examples

///////////////// Code in X++ /////////////////////////////

SecurityRole            securityRole;
SecurityUserRole        securityUserRole;
SecurityTask            securityTask;
SecuritySubTask         securitySubTask;
SecurityRoleTaskGrant   securityRoleTaskGrant;
// 1. How to the find record ID of the privilege
select firstOnly RecId from securityTask
    where securityTask.AotName  == #SecurityTask
        && securityTask.Type    == SecurityTaskType::Privilege;
// 2. How to find the record ID of the security role of the currently logged-in user aving the specified security role
select firstonly RecId from securityRole
    exists join securityUserRole
    where securityRole.RecId     == securityUserRole.SecurityRole
        && securityRole.AotName  == #SecurityRole
        && securityUserRole.User == curUserId();

// 3. How to the find all the duties containing the specified privilege (security Duty)?
select SecurityTask from securitySubTask
    where securitySubTask.SecuritySubTask == securityTask.RecId;

// 4. How to check whether the privilege is directly associated with role
select firstOnly RecId from securityRoleTaskGrant
    where securityRoleTaskGrant.SecurityTask  == securityTask.RecId
        && securityRoleTaskGrant.SecurityRole == securityRole.RecId;

// 5. How to check whether the privilege is associated with role through duty
 select RecId from securityRoleTaskGrant
    exists join securitySubTask
    where securityRoleTaskGrant.SecurityTask == securitySubTask.SecurityTask
            && securityRoleTaskGrant.SecurityRole == securityRole.RecId;
 ///////////////// Code in X++ /////////////////////////////
For getting List of all Roles

 static void RoleUSerID(Args _args)
UserInfo    userInfo;
SecurityUserRole securityUserRole;
SecurityRole       Roles;

while select userInfo
join securityUserRole
where securityUserRole.User == userInfo.Id
join Roles where Roles.RecId  == securityUserRole.SecurityRole
&& Roles.AotName ==”TradeSalesRepresentative”


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