The CAR Customization Analysis Report is a Microsoft Excel report.This report contains details of your customizations & artifacts, extension models, best practices issues, errors & warnings.
xppbp.exe: The use is very simple via an executable named xppbp.exe that is located either in C:\Packages\Bin\ (locally deployed VM) or I:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\bin (Azure-deployed VM).
The syntax is as follows
xppbp.exe -metadata="LocalPackagesFolder" -all -model="ModelName" -xmlLog="LogLocation" -module="PackageName" -car="ReportLocation"
You run it via command prompt (cmd.exe).
Be aware you need to execute this per model you have in your solution. For a model ApplicationSuite.XLTY you included in ApplicationSuite the call could look like this
xppbp.exe -metadata=C:\Packages -all -model="ApplicationSuite.XLTY" -xmlLog=C:\Temp\BPCheckLog_XltySuite.xml -module="ApplicationSuite" -car=C:\Temp\CustomizationAnalysisReport_XltySuite.xlsx
Assuming there is a model in Foundation, too, you would want to execute
xppbp.exe -metadata=C:\Packages -all -model="ApplicationFoundation.XLTY" -xmlLog=C:\Temp\BPCheckLog_XltyFoundation.xml -module="ApplicationFoundation" -car=C:\Temp\CustomizationAnalysisReport_XltyFoundation.xlsx
The outcome of the analysis is a Microsoft Excel file that is quite similar to what you are used to from AX 2012.